Upper Valley Mediator

Mediator Erik Wheeler offers mediation to the Upper Valley area.
Unsure of how to resolve the conflict and frustration, many people’s first inclination is to pursue a lawsuit or other legal means. However, lawsuits escalate the conflict, causing more stress in the process, and cost far more in legal fees. Worse, the legal approach leaves the important decisions in someone else’s hands, and quite often, both parties are unhappy with the outcome.
Fortunately, there is a better way. Mediation saves time and money and keeps you in control of the outcome. As a professional mediator, I have received extensive training in helping people come to agreement, and hold a Masters in Mediation and Conflict Studies.
I am passionate about using my mediation training and expertise to help people come to agreement in a more peaceful manner.
I offer mediation to the Upper Valley for family issues such as divorce, post-divorce, parentage, parenting agreements, and estate settlement. I also offer mediation for small business partners who are experiencing disagreement regarding their business.
I’m happy to discuss your situation with you by phone, at no cost, to describe how mediation can help you with your situation. Email me to set up a free consultation.
Erik is a member of the Vermont Bar Association and Vermont Family Mediators (VFaM).